Sometimes, diving deep into documentation and manual pages to understand a tool inside out can be overwhelming. Sometimes, we just need a quick reference for common usages of popular tools. Enter cheatsheetify
, a Python tool that generates PDF cheatsheets for popular command-line tools on demand.
GitHub Repo: HYP3R00T/Cheatsheetify
A Bit of Story
Creating cheatsheets manually using word processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs can be tedious. I realized it would be more efficient to fetch information from already available sources. Nearly every popular tool has a manual or help page accessible with the Linux tool called man
. While man
is useful, it often provides more information than necessary for a cheatsheet. After some searching, I came across a tool called tldr
, which I had used previously when Linux was my daily driver.
Once I found the source of information, the next challenge was finding a tool to generate PDFs. After seeking guidance from ChatGPT, I tried the reportlab
library, but it didn’t quite meet my needs. So, I went back to the traditional method of searching the internet and discovered fpdf2
, a library capable of creating beautifully formatted PDFs.
With these pieces in hand, I merged them together and added a few features, and after two days of work, cheatsheetify
was born.
Setup and Usage
Cheatsheetify is now available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), making installation a breeze:
pip install cheatsheetify
To use the tool, simply type the following command in your terminal:
python cheatsheetify [# list of commands]
# example
python cheatsheetify ls
For more information, check out the documentation at cheatsheetify.hyperoot.dev.